How I Learned to Scratch With the Cross Fader - The Chirp (Part 2)

How I Learned to Scratch With the Cross Fader - The Chirp (Part 2)

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Rhythm 1

What's up guys! In this video we're going to chirp quarter note and eighth note rhythms. You’ll find the link to the sheet music and everything discussed in this video in the description below. If you are not familiar with music theory terminology, check out our baby scratch series where we go over various note values, and get yourself caught up. Now let’s get started. The tempo is at 90 beats per minute. Here we go!



Rhythm 2

Let’s move on to number two. This time let’s focus on record and fader control. We want our strokes to be clean and even as we open and close the fader.  If you don’t have good fader control, your chirp will sound sloppy. Alright, here we go!



Rhythm 2

Let's play rhythm two again, and this time we will focus on playing clean and even strokes while we count out loud. Counting out loud will help us make sure that our strokes are evenly spaced apart and on beat. Let’s count it off.


 Rhythm 3

I have a feeling that you are starting to get your quarter notes on beat, but you might be rushing the eighth notes. We are going to continue to count out loud, while we get our stokes clean and evenly spaced apart.  But this time, we are going to focus on not rushing the eighth notes. Here we go!



Rhythm 4

Hopefully you’re really starting to get the hang of this. With our last rhythm, let’s focus on getting a clean and consistent sound. We want our strokes to sound crisp and clear. Let’s get it sounding nice and even. Alright, here we go!



We suggest that you incorporate these rhythms into your daily practice routine and make sure that you practice with both hands. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but you will eventually get used to it.  Our Made Easy Method is structured and progressive, so as long as you practice this faithfully and consistently, you will continue to get better. Thanks for watching. Do us a favor and hit the thumbs up, because it really helps us out!  See you next time!  Peace!

Reading next

How I Learned to Scratch With the Cross Fader - The Chirp ( Part 1)
How I Learned to Scratch With the Cross Fader - The Chirp (Part 3)